Virtual Reality Field Experiences

Virtual Reality Field Experiences

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What Do We Mean by Virtual Reality Field Experiences?

Through the use of innovative virtual reality (VR) and augmented (AR) technology, youth will experience immersive agriculture learning. Five field experiences will be deployed through free smartphone and tablet Xplore applications developed in partnership with Timelooper Company. These field experiences take a "farm to table/farm to you" approach to explore topics and concepts related to dairy farms, urban agriculture, aquaculture, organic and sustainable horticulture, and equestrian farms.

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We are producing 5 Agriculture Virtual Field Experiences to be launched as apps with 3D models, holograms and more!

In this virtual reality (VR) field experience learners will: 

  • Discover the dairy processes and farm decisions driven by sustainability and efficiency 
  • Identify ways milk and cheese quality is assessed and maintained 
  • Describe how science promotes animal health and well-being 
    Illustrate the team and community of people involved in the care and production of dairy commodities
  • Sites featured: Threemile Canyon Farms in Boardman, OR and Arbuthnot Dairy Center in the OSU Campus.

In this virtual reality (VR) field experience learners will explore:

  • The decisions that farmers and gardeners make can either improve or degrade the environment. 
  • Diversity on the farm or in the garden is key to maintaining functional and sustainable agroecosystems.
  • Diverse farm and garden systems also have social benefits, such as filling in gaps in local food systems.
  • Building diversity on a farm or garden takes time, but ‘if you build it, they will come’.
  • Sites featured: Oak Creek Center for Urban Horticulture in the Corvallis OSU Campus.

In this virtual reality (VR) field experience learners will:

  • Discover the biology of larval and adult oysters, and how this changes between different oyster species.
  • Describe ways that juvenile and adult oysters are produced through aquaculture. 
  •  Identify how culture methods and post-harvest processing is influenced by market outlets.
  • Learn how the environment affects oysters, and how oysters affect the environment.
  • Sites featured: Whiskey Creek Shellfish Hatchery in Tillamook, OR.

In this virtual reality (VR) field experience learners will explore how:

  • The horse industry provides a wide range of services. There are opportunities to be involved in the industry as a professional, a recreational participant, or a casual observer.
  • Horses are purposefully bred for an athletic job. Horses are used for work, sport, and recreation.
  • Modern horse husbandry supports a horse athletically and physiologically and keeps horses and people safe.
  • Horses have shaped human history and culture and continue to provide benefits to humans today.

In this virtual reality (VR) field experience learners will explore Oregon's rangelands and cattle raising practices. Students will:

  • describe important rangeland componenets and characteristics
  • identify the largest rangeland ecosystem in Oregon
  • recall plant groups that promote funcitonally healthy sagebrush steppe rangelands
  • illustrate a threat to sagebrush steppe rangelands and actions to improve sagebrush steppe rangelands towards healthy plant communities